Sign ups for our debut performance of "Freeing Heaven's Secrets" are now open!
Freeing Heaven's Secrets is a new IMMERSIVE-AUDIO THEATRE PERFORMANCE by Fort McMurray local playwright and director LUAY ELJAMAL.
PLAY SUMMARY Scheherazade, a young blind girl on her deathbed, promises her father that she will visit him in his dreams and tell him what her heaven is like. On her journey to the other side, Scheherazade passes her blindness onto the audience, and gifts herself with sight, inviting the audience to experience her heaven through the element of sound alone, the way that she would have experienced our world when she was blind.
WHAT TO PREPARE No preparation is necessary for the auditions. Freeing Heaven's Secretsis a unique play with minimal dialogue. Most of the story is told through the marriage of sound and mime.
If interested, you can contact Luay Eljamal ( for a copy of the script to read beforehand. At auditions, you will either be asked to read from select portions of the script or will be asked to mime general daily tasks with as much attention to detail as possible (i.e. preparing breakfast, or walking a dog).
CHARACTER BREAKDOWNS SCHEHERAZADE (18-25) Blind on Earth. She gains her sight when she enters heaven's gates. Youthful and strong.
BOY (16-20) Youthful and adventurous, with a strong affinity towards nature and animals. Resides in the heaven neighbouring Scheherazade.
FATHER (mid to late 40s) Widower. Supportive and loving Father to Scheherazade. Run down following his wife's death during childbirth, and Scheherazade's death at the beginning of the play.
MOTHER (mid to late 30s) A slightly isolated woman who dies from childbirth at the start of the play. Reunites with Scheherazade in the afterlife and helps her navigate hers and the neighbouring heavens.
We are interested in casting actors of all multicultural ethnicities for Principal & Supporting Roles.
PAID POSITION All actors cast in the production will be paid equally for their time on the project. We can only recruit non-union artists at this time.
REHEARSAL DATES Freeing Heaven's Secrets will rehearse on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays from September 8, 2019 to October 24, 2019. Sundays (10am-2pm) Mondays (6-9pm) Thursdays (6-9pm)
PRODUCTION DATES October 27 - Cue-to-Cue (12-5pm) October 28 - Tech Rehearsal (6-10pm) October 29 - Dress Rehearsal (6-10pm) October 30 - School Preview Performance (9-12pm) November 1 - Opening Performance (7-9pm) November 2 - Performance (1-3pm) November 2 - Performance (7-9pm)